
Layers in Tilezen’s vector tiles


The Tilezen vector tiles provides worldwide basemap coverage sourced from OpenStreetMap and other open data projects, updated intermittently as a free & shared service at

Data is organized into several thematic layers, each of which is named, for example; buildings, pois, and water. A selection of these layers are typically used for base map rendering, and are provided under the short-hand name all. Each layer includes a simplified view of OpenStreetMap data for easier consumption, with common tags often condensed into a single kind field as noted below.

Need help displaying vector tiles in a map? Here are several examples using Tilezen vector tiles to style in your favorite graphics library including Tangram, Mapbox GL, D3, and OpenLayers.


Data sources and attribution

Tilezen primarily sources from OpenStreetMap, but includes a variety of other open data. For a full listing, view the data sources. Each source may require attribution in your project.

Feature names

Most Tilezen vector tile features include a basic name property (common):

It supports several additional name related properties (optional):

Name localization

Tilezen includes all language variants of the name:* values to enable full internationalization (when different from name).

Language variants are identified by an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and optional country code, for example en for English and less commonly en_GB for British English. Mapzen house styles designed in Tangram support displaying all language scripts.

We additionally localize alt_name:* and old_name:* properties for features across all layers.

For features in the boundaries layer, there are two additional variants name:left and name:right to support oriented labeling on the appropriate side of the boundary line (so the labeled polygon’s text can appear inside that polygon consistently). See planned bug fix #1102.

Localized name properties (common-optional):

Chinese name localization

We populate two fields for Chinese variants based on ISO 15924 codes::

Both name:zh-Hans and name:zh-Hant properties are best-effort. It means name:zh-Hans can sometimes contain Traditional Chinese and name:zh-Hant can sometimes contain Simplified Chinese. And we don’t auto-translate Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese or vice versa.

The name:zh field is now deprecated. But for backward-compatibility we also populate it, and this field is Simplified Chinese most time but can also be Traditional Chinese. Don’t rely on this field.

If Tilezen cannot find any Chinese properties in the predefined list of each provider (see below), none of name:zh, name:zh-Hans or name:zh-Hant will be populated.


We use several tags from OSM to populate the two properties:

We first try to use OSM tag name:zh-Hans to populate name:zh-Hans and OSM tag name:zh-Hant to populate name:zh-Hant, but if they are not available we parse other OSM tags such as name:zh-SG, name:zh-Hant-tw, zh-Hant-hk, name:zh-yue, name:zh-HK, name:zh to backfill them. After the backfilling, if either one is still missing, we will use the other variant to further backfill, i.e. Traditional Chinese can be used to backfill name:zh-Hans or Simplified Chinese can be used to backfill name:zh-Hant.


We use several properties to populate Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese with the following priority (first priority is at the top):

Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese

If either variant is missing, we will use the other variant to backfill, i.e. Traditional Chinese can be used to backfill name:zh-Hans or Simplified Chinese can be used to backfill name:zh-Hant.


We use two properties to populate Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese:

Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese

If either variant is missing, we will use the other variant to backfill, i.e. Traditional Chinese can be used to backfill name:zh-Hans or Simplified Chinese can be used to backfill name:zh-Hant.

Geometry types

Individual Tilezen vector tile layers can include mixed geometry types. This is common in the landuse, water, and buildings layers.

A tile geometry can be one of three types:

In Tangram, Mapzen’s GL graphics library, the keyword $geometry matches the feature’s geometry type, for cases when a FeatureCollection includes more than one type of geometry. Valid geometry types are:

Tangram scene file examples:

filter: { $geometry: polygon }            # matches polygons only
filter: { $geometry: [point, line] }      # matches points & lines
filter: function() { return $geometry === 'line' }  # matches lines

Mapnik supports geometry filtering via the special mapnik::geometry_type keyword.

CartoCSS Examples:

#layer['mapnik::geometry_type'=1] { /* point styles */ }
#layer['mapnik::geometry_type'=2] { /* line styles */ }
#layer['mapnik::geometry_type'=3] { /* polygon styles */ }

Data updates

Most Tilezen vector tile content is updated minutely from OpenStreetMap. Low and mid-zoom tiles are updated approximately monthly. Some source data rarely updates – Natural Earth updates approximately yearly.


The current version of Tilezen vector tile data schema is v1.9.0.

Tiles are still in active development, but Tilezen promises to minimize backwards incompatible breaking changes. Data model promises are listed in the Tilezen SEMANTIC VERSIONING statement.

You can send your feedback at or via our Gitter chat room.

Read the full details in the project CHANGELOG.

Feature ordering

Ordering of features - which ones draw “on top of” other features - can be an important feature of display maps. To help out with this, there is a sort_rank property on some features which suggests in what order the features should appear. Lower numbers mean that features should appear “towards the back” and higher numbers mean “towards the front”. These numbers are consistent across layers. The layers which include sort_rank on their features are: boundaries, buildings, earth, landuse, roads, transit and water.

To facilitate data visualization overlays and underlays, the following client-side order ranges are suggested:

Tangram scene file example:

        order: 490

Layer reference

Tilezen vector tiles include 9 default layers (and 2 optional layers):

These individual layers are grouped into an all layer – use this special layer for all your general purpose mapping needs.

While the service can return just a single layer or combination of layers, the all layer is more performant.

The Tilezen vector tiles schema defines 2 optional layers:



Combination of OpenStreetMap administrative boundaries (zoom >= 8) and Natural Earth boundaries (zoom < 8).

Boundaries properties (common):

Boundaries properties (common optional):

Boundaries properties (optional):

Boundary kind values:

Viewpoints for Disputed Boundaries

When there is a boundary dispute between two countries, the default boundary between them is generally shown according to the de facto status marking where one country’s on the ground administration ends and another’s begins. The boundary line itself is marked disputed, and the extend of the other country’s claim is tagged with one of disputed_breakaway, disputed_claim, disputed_elusive, and disputed_reference_line.

Audiences in different countries may have different expectations and legal requirements so Tilezen optionally supports de jure boundary viewpoints with kind:xx properties, where xx is a lower-cased ISO 3166-1 codes with support for ar, bd, br, cn, de, eg, es, fr, gb, gr, id, il, in, it, jp, ko, ma, nl, np, pk, pl, ps, pt, ru, sa, se, tr, tw, ua, us, vn. Use these properties to “turn off” unrecognized_country and unrecognized_region boundary lines, and restyle the claims as country and region. The range of values is the same as for kind, and should be used in conjunction with kind as kind:xx in a coalesce as it’s only included when that country’s viewpoint is different than the default. These should be paired with places layer viewpoint support for country and region capitals.

Some disputed boundaries, like the China 9-dashed line, are marked unrecognized_country by default and are only available in a specific kind:xx viewpoint (in this case kind:cn and kind:tw).

Buildings and Addresses


Polygons from OpenStreetMap representing building footprints, building label placement points, building_part features, address points, and entrance and exit points. Starts at zoom 13 by including huge buildings, progressively adding all buildings at zoom 16+. Address points are available at zoom 16+, but marked with min_zoom: 17 to suggest that they are suitable for display at zoom level 17 and higher.

Individual building_part geometries from OpenStreetMap following the Simple 3D Buildings tags at higher zoom levels. Building parts may receive a root_id corresponding to the building feature, if any, with which they intersect.

Tilezen calculates the landuse_kind value by intercutting buildings with the landuse layer to determine if a building is over a parks, hospitals, universities or other landuse features. Use this property to modify the visual appearance of buildings over these features. For instance, light grey buildings look great in general, but aren’t legible over most landuse colors unless they are darkened (or colorized to match landuse styling).

Label position points may also have closed or historical kind_detail values if the original building name ended in “(closed)” or “(historical)”, respectively. These points will have a min_zoom of 17, suggesting that they are suitable for display only at high zooms. See related bug fix in #1026.

Values for kind_detail are sourced from OpenStreetMap’s building tag for building footprints and from building:part tag for building parts.

Note that building geometries, like most geometries in Tilezen tiles, are clipped to the bounds of the tile, even if the building extends beyond the tile. This means that it might be necessary to assemble geometry from several neighbouring tiles to recreate the full building. Some buildings are exceptionally large and span many tiles, so this can be tricky.

Building properties (common):

Building properties (common optional):

Building layer kind values:

Building footprint and label placement kind_detail values:

Additional kind_detail values are provided from POI kinds where one is not available from the building feature. This means that you could see any POI kind value as a building kind_detail value.

Building part kind_detail values:

Entrance and exit kind_detail values

Entrances can have an optional kind_detail. If present, it will be one of:

Exits can have an optional kind_detail. If present, it will be one of:



Polygons representing earth landmass and natural feature lines. Uses coastline-derived land polygons from Natural lines from OpenStreetMap representing cliffs, aretes. This layer also includes earth label_placement lines for ridges and valleys (which should not otherwise be symbolized).

Uses Natural Earth until zoom 7, then switches to OSM land at zoom 8+.

Earth properties:

Earth kind values:



Landuse polygons from OpenStreetMap representing parks, forests, residential, commercial, industrial, university, sports and other areas. Includes OpenStreetMap data at higher zoom levels, and Natural Earth polygons at lower zoom levels. This layer also includes landuse label_placement points for labeling polygons de-duplicated across tile boundaries.

Zooms 4 and 5, 6 and 7 includes a mix of Natural Earth urban_area (zooms 0-9 only) features and OpenStreetMap data for national_park, protected_area, and nature_reserve only. After that more more feature kinds are included, and they have a richer set of properties including sport, religion, surface, attraction, zoo, and natural. Feature selection is filtered per zoom until zoom 15.

At mid- and low-zooms, between 4-12, some landuse polygons are merged to reduce payload size. To facilitate this, the name of the landuse area may be dropped for small polygons. When polygons are merged, the original id properties are dropped, and the area is re-calculated for the new size.

TIP: Some landuse features only exist as point features in OpenStreetMap. Find those in the pois layer.

(below) Fence lines around the petting zoo in San Francisco are included in the landuse layer.


Landuse properties (common):

Landuse properties (common optional):

Landuse kind values:

Beach kind_detail values:

If known, kind_detail gives the surface type, one of: grass, gravel, pebbles, pebblestone, rocky, sand.

Cemetery and grave_yard kind_detail values:

The value of the OpenStreetMap religion tag is used for kind_detail on cemetery and grave_yard features. Common values include animist, bahai, buddhist, caodaism, catholic, christian, confucian, hindu, jain, jewish, multifaith, muslim, pagan, pastafarian, scientologist, shinto, sikh, spiritualist, taoist, tenrikyo, unitarian_universalist, voodoo, yazidi, and zoroastrian.

NOTE: A denomination attribute is also available with the value of the OpenStreetMap denomination tag. Common values include adventist, anglican, armenian_apostolic, assemblies_of_god, baptist, buddhist, bulgarian_orthodox, catholic, christian, church_of_scotland, episcopal, evangelical, greek_catholic, greek_orthodox, iglesia_ni_cristo, jehovahs_witness, lutheran, mennonite, methodist, mormon, new_apostolic, nondenominational, orthodox, pentecostal, presbyterian, protestant, quaker, reformed, roman_catholic, romanian_orthodox, russian_orthodox, salvation_army, serbian_orthodox, seventh_day_adventist, shia, shingon_shu, sunni, theravada, tibetan, united, united_methodist, united_reformed, uniting, and 曹洞宗.

Fence kind_detail values:

The value of the OpenStreetMap fence_type tag. Common values include avalanche, barbed_wire, bars, brick, chain, chain_link, concrete, electric, hedge, metal, metal_bars, net, pole, railing, split_rail, stone, wall, wire, and wood.

Wall kind_detail values:

The value of the OpenStreetMap wall tag. Common values include brick, castle_wall, concrete, dry_stone, drystone, flood_wall, gabion, jersey_barrier, noise_barrier, pise, retaining_wall, seawall, stone, and stone_bank.

Wetland kind_detail values:

The value of the OpenStreetMap wetland tag. If available, value will be one of: bog, fen, mangrove, marsh, mud, reedbed, saltern, saltmarsh, string_bog, swamp, tidalflat, wet_meadow.

Wood and forest kind_detail values

Orchard kind_detail values

The tree or shrub type. Values are: agave_plants, almond_trees, apple_trees, avocado_trees, banana_plants, cherry_trees, coconut_palms, coffea_plants, date_palms, hazel_plants, hop_plants, kiwi_plants, macadamia_trees, mango_trees, oil_palms, olive_trees, orange_trees, papaya_trees, peach_trees, persimmon_trees, pineapple_plants, pitaya_plants, plum_trees, rubber_trees, tea_plants, and walnut_trees.

Low zoom consolidation

At zoom 12 and below, we consolidate some landuse kinds to reduce the amount of superfluous detail and give adjacent landuse areas a better chance to merge together. This merging allows them to form an appropriately-sized polygon for the zoom level, and avoid the “billion colour patchwork” that comes from keeping each distinct feature.

The current mappings are:



Combination of OpenStreetMap place points, Natural Earth populated places, and Who’s On First neighbourhoods.

Places with kind values of continent, country, with others added starting at zoom 4 for region and starting at zoom 8 for locality. Specific locality and region types are added to the kind_detail tag.


Neighbourhoods: Who’s On First neighbourhood and macrohood features are added starting at zoom 12. Neighbourhoods are included one zoom earlier than their min_zoom, and stay included 1 zoom past their max_zoom.

Place properties (common):

Place properties (common optional):

Place kind values:

Place kind_detail values:

Primarily these are available for features of kind locality or region.

Population Rank

The values of population rank are derived from the population value as follows:

When available, for the largest cities, OSM localities gets their population_rank from NaturalEarth’s pop_max tag because NaturalEarth pop_max is for the metro area and is more useful for label grading in the stylesheet.

Points of Interest


Over 400 points of interest (POI) kinds are supported. POIs are included starting at zoom 4 for national_park, zoom 9 for park, and zoom 12 for other major features like airport, hospital, zoo, and motorway_junction. Progressively more features are added at each additional zoom based on a combination of feature area (if available) and kind value. For instance, by zoom 15 most police, library, university, and beach features are included, and by zoom 16 things like car_sharing, picnic_site, and tree are added. By zoom 16 all local features are added, like amusement_ride, atm, and bus_stop, but may be marked with a min_zoom property to suggest at which zoom levels they are suitable for display. For example, bench and waste_basket features may be marked min_zoom: 18 to suggest that they are displayed at zoom 18 and higher. Note that min_zoom is not an integer, and may contain a fractional component.

NOTE: The pois layer includes point “labels” for most polygon features otherwise found in the landuse layer (eg: national_park and park); these points are suitable for drawing as icon-and-text labels. The remaining label_position points in the landuse layer and buildings layer are suitable for text-only labels.

Points of interest from OpenStreetMap, with per-zoom selections similar to the primary carto stylesheet.

The range of kinds has expanded to cover nearly all of the basic cartography, iD editor preset icons, Maki icons, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s map style, and more. Icons are provided in the related Mapzen icon library project.

Features from OpenStreetMap which are tagged disused=* for any other value than disused=no are not included in the data. Features which have certain parenthetical comments after their name are suppressed until zoom 17 and have their kind property set to that comment. Currently anything with a name ending in ‘(closed)’ or ‘(historical)’ will be suppressed in this manner. Railway stops, halts, stations and tram stops from OpenStreetMap tagged with a historic tag are also not included in the data.

To resolve inconsistency in data tagging in OpenStreetMap we normalize several operator values for United States National Parks as United States National Park Service, several United States Forest Service values as United States Forest Service, and several values for New South Wales National Parks in Australia as National Parks & Wildlife Service NSW.

POI properties (common):

POI properties (common optional):

POI properties (only on kind:station):

POI properties (only on kind:bicycle_rental_station):

POI properties (only on kind:bicycle_parking and kind:motorcycle_parking):

POI properties (only on kind:peak and kind:volcano):

POI properties (only on kind:marina, kind:camp_site and kind:caravan_site)

POI properties (only on charging_station):

POI properties (only on quary, wharf):

POI kind values:

Icon sprite artwork from Mapzen’s Bubble Wrap and Walkabout map styles (docs), when available.

kind icon wikidata id definition
accountant accountant Q326653 An office responsible for preparing finances, billing, and payroll-type services.
adit adit Q58917 A man-made, horizontal entrance shaft to an underground mine.
administrative administrative Q304157 An office for government agencies and other support staff. It’s better to use the government category instead.
adult_gaming_centre adult_gaming_centre Q47521258 A place of leisure for adults with gaming machines, often with monetary payouts.
advertising_agency advertising_agency Q216931 An office that creates advertisements and/or placing them in third-party media publications.
aerodrome aerodrome Q62447 An aeroway landuse area containing all runways, taxiways, passenger terminals, and other facilities for aircraft flight operations, for civilian and commercial airport use. With kind_detail in public, private, military_public, airfield, international, regional, gliding. And optional passenger_count giving the number of passengers through the aerodrome per year.
aeroway_gate aeroway_gate   An access door at an airport terminal used to board and disembark flights.
airfield airfield   A military airport.
airport airport Q1248784 An aeroway landuse area containing all runways, taxiways, passenger terminals, and other facilities for aircraft flight operations, for civilian and commercial use.
alcohol alcohol Q156 A shop selling and sometimes producing beer, liquor, and other beverages.
alpine_hut alpine_hut Q182676 A tourist building located in the mountains, often offering lodging and refreshment.
ambulatory_care ambulatory_care   A social facility that acts as a hub for outpatient care and administrative office for home nurses or streetworkers.
amusement_ride amusement_ride Q64514817 An attraction or other structure at a fair, theme park, or carnival that people can ride.
animal animal Q729 An attraction featuring animals at zoos and other tourist spots.
aquarium aquarium Q45782 A tourism attraction featuring fish or other water-dwelling species.
archaeological_site archaeological_site Q839954 A historic place preserving ancient man-made buildings and artifacts, sometimes with an excavation.
architect architect Q42973 An office that plans and designs buildings, and oversees their construction.
art art Q735 A shop selling artwork that is appreciated for its beauty or emotional power.
arts_centre arts_centre   An amenity where arts are performed or exhibited.
artwork artwork Q838948 A tourism spot with art installations like statues or paintings.
association association Q2864132 An office for a group of people organized around a common purpose.
atm atm Q299037 An amenity that provides access to financial transactions like a cash machine
attraction attraction Q744128 A tourism feature, object, or area that attracts people.
atv atv   A shop selling all terrain vehicles.
aviary aviary Q1363025 A large enclosure that confines birds but allows human access, commonly at a zoo.
baby_hatch baby_hatch   An amenity where parents can leave their baby anonymously in a safe place (or “safe haven”) for foster care.
bakery bakery Q274393 A shop selling baked goods, often made at that location.
bank bank Q22687 An amenity otherwise known as a financial institution.
bar bar Q187456 An amenity serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, sometimes also selling food.
battlefield battlefield Q4895508 A historic location of a battle, often managed as a local or national park.
bbq bbq   A food service amenity selling bbq meat, either sit down or take out.
beach beach Q40080 A natural area at the edge of the sea, lake or other body of water offering a sandy or stony surface for recreation. With kind_detail property.
beach_resort beach_resort Q1021711 A leisure resort community or hotel located on the coast.
beacon beacon Q17484395 A man-made structure built to send signals that are visible from long distance, on land or water.
beauty beauty Q7242 A shop focusing on cosmetic treatments for aesthetic value.
bed_and_breakfast bed_and_breakfast Q367914 A tourism establishment for lodging that includes breakfast, often in a residential area.
bench bench Q622346 An amenity used to sit down and rest, often able to accommodate multiple people, sometimes with a nice view.
bicycle bicycle Q11442 A shop selling bicycles and other pedal-driven two-wheel vehicles, sometimes with a repair service.
bicycle_junction bicycle_junction   A place where two bike paths intersect along an international, national, regional, or local trail network. Common in Europe for signed bicycle routes with named junctions. The cycle network reference point’s ref value is derived from one of icn_ref, ncn_ref, rcn_ref or lcn_ref, in descending order and is suitable for naming or use in a shield.
bicycle_parking bicycle_parking Q16243822 A parking amenity for bicycles, sometimes named.
bicycle_rental bicycle_rental Q10611118 An amenity in a shop or at a kiosk for the rental of, pick up, or drop off a bicycle.
bicycle_rental_station bicycle_rental_station   An amenity on the street for free or low cost rental of, pick up, or drop off a bicycle, part of a public bike scheme. Often requires a membership or day-pass.
bicycle_repair_station bicycle_repair_station   An amenity or kiosk with tools necessary to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance, often along bike paths or roads.
biergarten biergarten Q857909 An outdoor amenity in which beer, other drinks, and local food are served.
block block Q6536648 A large barrier used to control vehicular traffic, often an immobile block of stone or concrete that was placed by heavy machinery.
blood_bank blood_bank   A health care facility for blood donation or storage.
boat_lift boat_lift   A waterway adjacent structure for lowering or raising a boat out of the water.
boat_rental boat_rental Q17020200 A shop or kiosk, usually attended, where you can pick up and drop off rental watercraft, similar to a lock.
boat_storage boat_storage   An amenity to store watercraft, often on land.
boatyard boatyard   A waterway adjacent area for building, fixing, and storing boats.
bollard bollard Q1148389 A barrier used to control vehicular traffic, often a short vertical post made out of metal or concrete.
bookmaker bookmaker Q664702 A shop or person that takes bets on sporting events.
books books Q571 A shop selling or dealing in written materials and sometimes images.
border_control border_control Q218719 A barrier or checkpoint that controls movement of people and objects at borders.
brewery brewery Q131734 A craft place that makes and sells beer.
bunker bunker   A military building that is reinforced and sometimes underground. With kind_detail property.
bureau_de_change bureau_de_change Q2002539 An amenity where people can exchange one currency for another.
bus_station bus_station Q494829 An amenity, larger than a bus stop, where city or intercity buses stop to pick up and drop off passengers.
bus_stop bus_stop Q953806 A highway pole, shelter, or other designated place where buses stop for passengers that isn’t a fully developed platform.
butcher butcher Q329737 A shop selling poultry, meat, and sometimes fish.
cafe cafe Q30022 An amenity serving coffee, tea, and light cuisine.
camera camera Q15328 A shop selling cameras and other optical devices used for recording or transmitting photographic images or videos.
camp_site camp_site Q832778 A tourist site used for overnight stay in the outdoors, often developed and sometimes with a sanitary dump station.
car car Q786803 A shop selling, buying, and trading motorized passenger vehicles, aka an automotive car dealership.
car_parts car_parts   A shop selling car parts.
car_rental car_rental Q291240 An amenity or business that rents automobiles for short periods of time, often in a building and lot and near an airport.
car_repair car_repair Q16846061 A shop that conducts maintenance on motor vehicles.
car_sharing car_sharing Q847201 An amenity specializing in car rental, usually on the street, sometimes with a name.
car_wash car_wash Q1139861 An amenity for cleaning the exterior and sometimes the interior of a motor vehicle.
caravan_site caravan_site Q5643618 A tourism site for parking for an overnight stay in a motorhome, RV, or caravan, often with a sanitary dump station.
carousel carousel Q208322 An attraction or other amusement that rotates riders on a circular platform, sometimes with seats that move up and down.
carpenter carpenter Q203605 A craftsperson with a skilled trade related to wood construction and repair.
casino casino Q133215 An amenity which houses and accommodates certain types of gambling activities.
cattle_grid cattle_grid   A barrier to prevent cattle and other animals crossing a road, usually connecting with a fence.
cave_entrance cave_entrance   A natural amenity where one enters an underground cave.
cemetery cemetery Q39614 A landuse area where people are buried but not next to a place of worship, though often for certain religious denominations indicated with a kind_detail and denomination properties.
chalet chalet Q136689 A tourist building or house, common to the Alps in Europe, but also found worldwide.
charging_station charging_station Q2140665 An amenity infrastructure that supplies electric energy for the recharging of electric vehicles including cars, trucks, scooters, and bicycles. May also have bicycle, scooter, car, and truck set to true or false.
charity charity Q445832 A shop selling items, often second-hand clothes, in order to raise money to fundraise for a charitable foundation or organization.
chemist chemist Q13107184 A shop selling household chemicals including soaps, toothpaste, and cosmetics.
childcare childcare Q1455871 An amenity providing day-care, babysitting, or otherwise looking after children.
chiropractor chiropractor   A healthcare office providing diagnosis and treatment of misaligned joints.
cinema cinema Q567053 An amenity that shows movies and films, aka movie theater, cineplex or multiplex.
clinic clinic Q1774898 An amenity for outpatient health care. With kind_detail property.
closed closed   A recently closed place. See planned bug fix in #1026.
clothes clothes Q2090555 A shop selling clothes and other body coverings.
club club Q182949 A place of leisure where food and drinks are often served, often with restricted access.
coffee coffee Q8486 A shop specializing in brewed beverages prepared from roasted coffee beans, often with sit down seating and sometimes selling food.
college college Q189004 An amenity for higher education and learning, stand alone or part of a university.
common common Q9828451 A leisure or protected open area used by people to congregate.
communications_tower communications_tower Q1068623 A man-made structure that is tall and supports large radio and TV broadcast antennas.
community_centre community_centre Q77115 An amenity where members of a community gather for group activities, social support, and public information.
company company Q783794 An office of a private company that doesn’t match a more specific category.
computer computer Q43182520 A shop selling computers, computer related equipment, and other electronic devices.
confectionery confectionery Q5159627 A craft that focuses on creating items of sweet food.
consulting consulting Q15978655 An office for professionals who provides advice in their specific field of expertise.
container_terminal container_terminal   A landuse area where containers are stored and loaded onto or off ships, often with cranes.
convenience convenience Q7361709 A shop selling convenience items including food, beverage, and other small household items.
copyshop copyshop Q1131628 A shop that offers photocopying, printing, or design services.
cosmetics cosmetics Q47508166 A shop selling products to enhance the body’s appearance.
courthouse courthouse Q1137809 A building where legal cases are adjudicated by judges and lawyers.
craft craft Q2207288 A fallback for pastime or profession that requires particular skills and knowledge of skilled work, when no other category applies.
crane crane   A man-made structure that is permanent built to move items from one place to another, usually outdoors at a dock. With kind_detail property.
cross cross Q361665 A man-made navigational aid marking the summit of a mountain peak that does not have religious context.
customs customs Q182290 A border station responsible for collecting customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods.
cycle_barrier cycle_barrier   A barrier at the entrance to a bicycle path designed to discourage motor vehicle access by cars or motorcycles.
dam dam Q12323 A waterway barrier that holds back and raises the water level.
danger_area danger_area   A military training zone like a firing range that uses live amunition.
defibrillator defibrillator   An emergency first-aid device that can restart the heart during cardiac arrest.
deli deli Q406177 A shop selling cold cuts of meats, sandwiches, and other foods.
dentist dentist Q27349 A healthcare amenity specializing in teeth and gums. With kind_detail property.
department_store department_store Q216107 A large retail shop offering a wide range of consumer goods.
dispensary dispensary   A shop selling cannabis and related products that is legally permitted.
dive_centre dive_centre Q3664857 A recreation amenity for diver training, equipment, and dive outings.
doctors doctors Q1233862 An amenity offering in-person checkups and other medical services. With kind_detail property.
dog_park dog_park Q38516 A leisure area for dog-owners to exercise their dogs, typically a fenced outdoor space.
doityourself doityourself   A shop selling home improvement items that is larger than a hardware store and has a wider range of products.
dressmaker dressmaker Q2034021 A craftsperson making custom clothing for men and women.
drinking_water drinking_water Q7892 An amenity offering safe potable water for household consumption.
dry_cleaning dry_cleaning Q878156 A shop that cleans clothing and fabrics.
dune dune Q25391 A natural landform consisting of a hill of sand.
educational_institution educational_institution Q2385804 An office or institution that provides educational instruction that isn’t a primary school, college, or university.
egress egress Q5348260 A whitewater recreation location for pulling your boat out of the water.
electrician electrician Q165029 A craftsperson specializing in wiring of buildings or electrical equipment.
electronics electronics Q43156817 A shop selling TVs, computers, and other electronics.
elevator elevator   An pedestrian enclosure for vertical travel from one elevation to another, sometimes providing access into a public transit station.
embassy embassy Q213283 An diplomatic amenity that eases relations between nations and provides services for traveling citizens.
emergency_phone emergency_phone Q1613929 An amenity with a telephone to call for emergency service help, often along a highway, beach, or university campus.
employment_agency employment_agency Q261362 An office that helps with job placement.
enclosure enclosure Q792164 A fenced off area in a zoo for animals to roam.
estate_agent estate_agent Q16148831 An office assisting with the selling or purchasing of property and other real estate.
farm farm Q131596 An area of land used for farming or other agriculture, including buildings.
fashion fashion Q12684 A shop selling popular styles of clothing, jewelry, and other accessories.
fast_food fast_food Q81799 An amenity selling hamburgers and other quick to make foods, often with a drive thru for ordering and pickup.
ferry_terminal ferry_terminal Q66724450 An amenity where passengers can purchase tickets for and board a ferry, including the building, surrounding plaza and piers.
field_hospital field_hospital   A health facility set up near a combat zone as a temporary hospital to care for the wounded. With kind_detail property.
financial financial Q43015 An office offering investment advice and other financial services.
fire_hydrant fire_hydrant   An emergency water tap along the street that provides fire fighters water from local water pipe network.
fire_station fire_station Q1195942 An amenity housing fire trucks, often with living quarters for firefighters.
firepit firepit Q187317 A leisure area used to contain fires, often during social gatherings or events.
fishing fishing Q47516535 A shop selling fishing poles, flies, bait, boats, and other fishing supplies.
fishing_area fishing_area Q55468590 A leisure area for catching fish along a waterway.
fishmonger fishmonger Q550594 A shop selling raw fish and other seafood.
fitness fitness Q523402 An amenity like a gym, exercise room, or other fitness area.
fitness_station fitness_station   A leisure area, often outside that contains a variety of exercise equipment.
florist florist Q637125 A shop selling cut flowers and other decorative plants.
ford ford   A short section of road that passes thru a shallow waterway without a bridge.
forest forest Q4421 A protected landuse where trees cover a large area, often designated and named as a forest and managed by a group (like the US National Forest Service).
fort fort Q57821 A historical building typically designed for defense in warfare, sometimes found on military bases.
foundation foundation Q227744 An office for non-governmental organizations that supports other social welfare organizations, often with an endowment.
fuel fuel Q205495 A amenity selling gas or diesel for automotive use, sometimes the gas station includes a small shop selling fast food and other convenience items, or offers car repairs.
funeral_directors funeral_directors Q316490 An amenity offering or selling funeral rite services.
furniture furniture Q47516358 A shop selling tables, chairs, sofas and other household furniture.
gallery gallery Q4039221 A tourism shop displaying artwork, often paintings or sculptures for sale.
gambling gambling Q11416 An amenity where one can wager money on a game or sporting event.
garden garden Q1107656 A leisure area for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants (but not allotments in a community garden).
garden_centre garden_centre Q260569 A shop selling plants and related products for the home garden
gardener gardener Q758780 A craftsperson who tends to plants in gardens, open spaces, or offices.
gas_canister gas_canister Q774332 A shop selling cylindrical containers for storing pressurized gas used for fuel or heat, sometimes offering refills.
gate gate Q53060 A barrier that swings open to allow access thru a fence, wall, or other structure. With kind_detail property.
generator generator Q227907 A power source that derives energy from wind, solar, hydro, oil, or another source. With kind_detail property.
geyser geyser Q83471 A natural hot spring that occasionally ejects hot water and steam.
gift gift Q5560006 A shop selling arts, crafts, and souvenirs appropriate for small gifts.
golf_course golf_course Q1048525 A leisure area containing a series of holes, greens, and other outdoor space designed for the game of golf.
golf golf   A shop selling equipment for the game of golf.
government government Q16831714 An office offering public services and administrative functions for government officials and staff.
grave_yard grave_yard Q39614 An amenity where people or animals are buried and is located next to a place of worship. With kind_detail and denomination properties.
greengrocer greengrocer Q145658 A shop specializing in fruits and vegetables, usually a smaller corner store.
grocery grocery Q1295201 A shop selling fruits, vegetables, packaged food and other household supplies, usually a medium sized store smaller than a supermarket.
guest_house guest_house Q2460422 A tourism amenity offering temporary overnight lodging.
hairdresser hairdresser Q55187 A shop that cuts and styles hair.
halt halt   A railway stop that is smaller than a station where trains only stop for passengers on request, often without a platform.
hanami hanami Q210150 A tourism site where one can enjoy the transient beauty of flowers, common in Japan and found worldwide.
handicraft handicraft Q877729 A craft shop that makes utilitarian or decorative objects by hand, sometimes using simple tools.
harbourmaster harbourmaster   An amenity where the harbor master has their office.
hardware hardware Q294550 A shop selling tools, lumber, and other construction material.
hazard hazard Q1132455 A whitewater location that poses a potential threat to life, health, property, or environment.
health_centre health_centre Q569500 A clinic or other facility staffed by a group of general practitioners and nurses providing healthcare services.
healthcare_alternative healthcare_alternative   A health care office for someone practicing non-traditional medicine like acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbalism, or reiki.
healthcare_centre healthcare_centre   A health care building that is either a clinic or hospital, common in India and elsewhere.
healthcare_laboratory healthcare_laboratory Q483242 A facility that conducts medical analysis or diagnostics.
helipad helipad Q534159 An aeroway with a dedicated landing area or platform for helicopters.
heliport heliport Q502074 An airport designed for civilian or commercial helicopter use.
hifi hifi Q26674 A shop selling high-quality audio equipment to listen to recorded sounds.
historical historical   A former site of a venue. See planned bug fix in #1026.
horse_riding horse_riding   A leisure area for equestrians to ride horses, often with stables and an arena.
hospice hospice   An amenity that provides end-of-life care prioritizing comfort and quality of life.
hospital hospital Q16917 An amenity offering general and specialized healthcare, often in a large building. With kind_detail property.
hostel hostel Q654772 A tourism amenity offering cheap, sociable accommodation, sometimes with meals and popular with students.
hot_spring hot_spring Q177380 A natural spring produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater.
hotel hotel Q27686 A tourism amenity that provides overnight lodging, often in a large building and sometimes with breakfast service.
hunting hunting Q36963 A shop selling guns, ammo, camo and guide services to find, pursue, catch and kill wild animals.
hunting_stand hunting_stand Q1279822 An amenity for hunters to gain an elevated view of their pray on an open or enclosed platform.
hvac hvac Q1798773 A craftsperson specializing in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.
ice_cream ice_cream Q13233 An amenity or shop selling frozen desserts and sweets.See planned bug fix in #532.
industrial industrial Q404367 Factories, warehouses, or other industrial building that specialize in the manufacturing or raw goods or materials.
information information Q11028 A tourism information station or kiosk that provides basic orientation services.
insurance insurance Q43183 An office selling products that limit risk of property and other losses.
it it Q11661 An office specializing in technologies and services that let people access and send information electronically
jewelry jewelry Q161439 A shop selling necklaces, rings, and other forms of personal adornment.
karaoke karaoke Q229345 An entertainment amenity that allows singing to recorded music.
karaoke_box karaoke_box Q910635 An entertainment amenity with multiple rooms for singing and dancing, each with karaoke equipment, sometimes offering food or beverages.
kindergarten kindergarten Q126807 An amenity offering preschool education for young children.
landmark landmark Q4895393 A natural or artificial feature used for navigation, sometimes a tourist attraction of historic significance.
laundry laundry Q852100 A shop with pay-per-load washing machines.
lawyer lawyer Q40348 An office for legal professionals who represent clients in matters before a judge or other magistrate.
level_crossing level_crossing   A railroad crossing where tracks go across an automotive road.
library library Q7075 An amenity that collects and loans out books and recordings, usually in a large public building.
life_ring life_ring Q587334 An amenity designed to be thrown to a person in water, to prevent drowning.
lifeguard_tower lifeguard_tower Q6545380 An emergency amenity at a beach or swimming pool staffed to prevent drownings and other dangers.
lift_gate lift_gate Q216762 A barrier that swings upward to control vehicular access along a road.
lighthouse lighthouse Q39715 A man-made structure that emits light to aid navigation at night, sometimes also a tourist attraction.
lock lock Q366453 A waterway feature that is man-made to raise and lower boats between different water elevations along a river or canal.
lottery lottery Q189409 A shop selling lottery tickets and other drawings of lots for prizes, related to gambling.
love_hotel love_hotel   An amenity similar to a hotel but adult themed allowing guests privacy for sexual activities.
mall mall Q437425 A large building that contains many individual shops, stores, businesses, and food establishments.
marina marina Q721207 A leisure area offering slip rentals to park boats and other water vehicles, sometimes with a sanitary dump station or fuel station.
marketplace marketplace Q330284 An amenity for a public marketplace where food, goods, and services are traded daily or weekly, sometimes in a market hall. Sometimes called a farmers market or a night market.
mast mast Q1068623 A man-made post or other vertical structure built to hold antennas, of short to medium height sometimes with ground support wires.
maze maze Q606777 An attraction that is man-made out of rocks or plants formed into complex branching passageways.
memorial memorial Q5003624 An object or area built to remind people of a historic person or event.
metal_construction metal_construction Q1924856 A craftsperson specializes in working with metals for construction.
midwife midwife Q185196 A healthcare professional who helps with childbirth and provides related obstetrics services
military military Q8473 A landuse area established to prepare and provision soldiers for war or other operations.
mineshaft mineshaft Q87003562 A man-made vertical hole into the ground to extract minerals.
mini_roundabout mini_roundabout   A highway road junction where the traffic goes around a painted circle and has right of way . With optional property drives_on_left to indicate whether the roundabout is in a country which drives on the left (drives_on_left=true) and therefore goes around the mini roundabout in a clockwise direction as seen from above. The property is omitted when the country drives on the right and has counter-clockwise mini roundabouts (i.e: default false).
miniature_golf miniature_golf Q754796 A leisure area for playing a novelty version of golf focusing on putting the ball in and around amusements.
mobile_phone mobile_phone Q17517 A shop selling portable electronic devices that make telephone calls on a cellular network.
money_transfer money_transfer Q21130860 An amenity facilitating monetary transactions, often for guest workers sending remittances to their home country.
monument monument Q4989906 A historic structure commemorating a person or important event.
mooring mooring   A waterway feature for boats to tie up or otherwise park. With kind_detail property indicating commercial, cruise, customers, declaration, ferry, guest, pile, waiting, yacht, yachts.
motel motel Q216212 A tourism amenity that provides lodging where all rooms face directly onto a car park, or low-cost motor hotel.
motorcycle motorcycle Q47516542 A shop selling two, three, and four wheeled motor vehicles.
motorcycle_parking motorcycle_parking   An amenity used to store motorcycles while not in use, often with a degree of security to prevent theft.
motorway_junction motorway_junction   An exit from a highway, motorway, or other major road, often named or numbered.
museum museum Q33506 A tourism amenity or institution showcasing artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance.
music music Q3868546 A shop selling recordings of vocal, instrumental, and other sounds.
national_park national_park Q46169 A park of national or international significance that conserves plants, animals, or natural wonders.
nature_reserve nature_reserve Q179049 A leisure area that provides protection for plants, animals, or natural wonders.
naval_base naval_base   A military base in and next to the water where warships are docked and provisioned.
newsagent newsagent Q1528905 A shop or kiosk selling newspapers and magazines.
newspaper newspaper Q11032 An office that publishes news reports, general articles, features, editorials, and advertising.
ngo ngo Q79913 An office for a non-governmental organization often focused on social welfare.
nightclub nightclub Q622425 An entertainment amenity which usually operates late into the night, sometimes sells food and beverages.
notary notary Q189010 An office with licensed staff who witness signatures on legal documents.
nursing_home nursing_home Q837142 A health care amenity focused on residential care, typically for elderly adults. With kind_detail property.
obelisk obelisk   A man-made structure that is tall, usually a monument or memorial. If known, the kind_detail will be set to either monument or memorial.
observatory observatory Q62832 A man-made structure used for observing terrestrial or celestial events.
occupational_therapist occupational_therapist   A health care office for doctors who help patients recover thru everyday activities.
office office Q12823105 A generic office where people perform their job-related duties, when a more specific category is not available.
offshore_platform offshore_platform Q689880 A larger man-made offshore structure, often for oil drilling and related activities.
optician optician Q1996635 A shop selling functional and designer eyeglasses and contact lenses.
optometrist optometrist   A health care office for people with vision impairment or other eye issues, often selling glasses.
outdoor outdoor Q2041907 A shop selling equipment to be used for camping, hiking, bicycling, and other outdoor activities.
paediatrics paediatrics   A health care office for doctors specializing in medicine for children.
painter painter Q11629 A craftsperson specializing in painting indoor or outdoor building spaces.
park park Q22698 A landuse, leisure, recreation, or other area often of outstanding natural beauty that is managed by a regional or local authority.
parking parking Q267917 An amenity for storing unattended cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles, usually a surface lot with multiple spaces.
parking_garage parking_garage   An amenity for storing unattended cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles, usually a multi-story, underground, or rooftop lot.
peak peak Q1039790 A natural feature at the top of a mountain or hill, often with an elevation (in meters).
perfumery perfumery Q131746 A shop selling perfumes and other pleasant scents.
pet pet Q39201 A shop selling dogs, cats, birds, and other animals and their food, toys, and other products.
petroleum_well petroleum_well Q587682 A man-made boring designed to bring petroleum oil to the ground’s surface for collection and later processing into fuel.
petting_zoo petting_zoo Q459886 A small zoo for children with friendly animals that can be touched.
pharmacy pharmacy Q614304 An amenity selling medication and other drugs for health care, sometimes selling other household products or consultations. With kind_detail property.
phone phone Q11035 An amenity with a telephone to call for emergency service help, often along a highway, beach, or university campus. Instead it’s better to use the emergency_phone or telephone categories.
photo photo Q125191 A shop that prints photos and sells photography-related products, sometimes also selling cameras.
photographer photographer Q33231 A craftsperson specializing in taking and editing photographs.
photographic_laboratory photographic_laboratory Q172839 A craft specializing in the processing of visible images and sometimes video.
physician physician Q39631 An office with professionals who practice medicine.
physiotherapist physiotherapist   A health care office for a physical therapists specializing in massage, exercise, and other treatments.
picnic_site picnic_site Q47520603 A tourism area used for outdoor seating or leisure activity, often with benches, tables, or barbecue pits.
picnic_table picnic_table Q2466395 An amenity for eating outdoor meals at a table with attached benches.
pitch pitch Q340394 A leisure field used for sports, sometimes named. The kind_detail optionally describes the sport, common values are baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, tennis`.
place_of_worship place_of_worship Q1370598 An amenity for worshipping in a building consecrated as a church, mosque, synagogue, temple, or other sacred space.
plant plant Q159719 A power station generating electrical energy from coal, natural gas, solar, hydro, nuclear, or other sources.
plaque plaque   A memorial plaque commemorating a person or event.
platform platform Q224617 A place to wait for public transportation with developed infrastructure, often along a railway, highway, or bus line.
playground playground Q11875349 A leisure area designed for children to play on swings, bars, climbing structures, or sandbox, sometimes named.
plumber plumber Q252924 A craftsperson specialized in the installation and repair of water and sewage pipes.
podiatrist podiatrist   A health care office for a doctors specializing in feet.
police police Q35535 An amenity housing a local police force empowered by the government to enforce the law, sometimes with a small jail.
political_party political_party Q7278 An office of an organized group seeking to influence government policy and actions.
port_terminal port_terminal   A landuse area part of a port for containers or other bulk cargo.
post_box post_box Q49844 An amenity for dropping off outbound mail, usually a bin on the public sidewalk, and collected daily or weekly for delivery by an organized postal system.
post_office post_office Q35054 An amenity for sending and receiving letters, packages, and other mail, part of an organized postal system.
pottery pottery Q11642 A craftsperson making household objects and artwork out of clay.
power_pole power_pole Q1144084 A post used by public utilities to support overhead wires and related equipment.
power_tower power_tower Q7236649 A man-made tower for carrying high voltage electricity lines, often constructed from steel latticework or solid pylons.
power_wind power_wind   A man-made structure built to turn wind into electricity and supply it to power grid, larger than a windmill.
prison prison Q40357 An amenity that physically confines people as punishment for breaking laws and usually deprives them of a range of personal freedoms.
protected_area protected_area Q473972 A protected landuse or landscape recognised natural, ecological or cultural value managed by a public agency (like US Bureau of Land Management), can be an overlay of a park or forest.
psychotherapist psychotherapist   A health care office for doctors who treat mental disorders and psychological issues.
pub pub Q212198 An amenity selling beer, similar to a bar, sometimes also selling food.
put_in put_in   A whitewater recreation location for putting your boat into the water.
put_in_egress put_in_egress   A waterwater recreation location suitable both for putting your boat in the water and pulling it out.
pylon pylon   An aerialway pole that supports the cable on a ski lift or other aerial tram.
quarry quarry Q188040 A landuse area where stone, rock, construction aggregate, or similar material is excavated from the ground.
quay quay   A man-made area for mooring a boat along the shore, sometimes named. If available, with mooring property.
range range   A military training zone where soldiers practice with their weapons
ranger_station ranger_station Q36728566 An amenity building at a park where rangers interact with tourists and other park visitors, sometimes with public toilets and interpretive exhibits.
rapid rapid Q695793 A whitewater section of a river where the water’s velocity and turbulence due to a change in riverbed elevation.
recreation_ground recreation_ground Q22698 A landuse dedicated to recreation, typically open to the public and generally characterized by natural, historic, or landscape features.
recreation_track recreation_track Q1004435 A leisure path used for hiking, walking, running, or other physical activity outdoors.
recycling recycling Q132580 A bin, kiosk, or station amenity that accepts used materials for processing into new products to reduce waste.
rehabilitation rehabilitation   A health care facility for medical rehabilitation, including drugs rehabilitation and psychiatric wards.
religion religion Q9174 An office associated with a place of worship for administrative staff.
research research Q42240 An office focusing on the systematic study undertaken to increase knowledge.
resort resort Q875157 A tourism amenity with a hotel, pool, spa, bar, restaurant, and other vacationer delights, not along a beach.
rest_area rest_area Q786014 A highway amenity with bathroom toilets and picnic area, sometimes with vending machines.
restaurant restaurant Q11707 An amenity with indoor seating that prepares and serves food for on-premise dining.
rock rock Q280874 A natural rock that is not freestanding but has a notable size, shape, or other characteristic.
roller_coaster roller_coaster Q204832 An attraction at an amusement or theme park that provides thrills on a fixed track with sharp turns and drops.
saddle saddle Q10862618 A natural feature that represents the lowest point along a ridge or between two mountain peaks.
sanitary_dump_station sanitary_dump_station   An amenity for depositing human waste from a toilet holding tank, often at a campground or caravan site.
sawmill sawmill Q505213 A craft building where logs are cut into timber, sometimes with a public yard selling construction lumber.
school school Q3914 An educational amenity with classrooms for group instruction of students by teachers.
scuba_diving scuba_diving Q47516552 A shop selling gear used for underwater diving and related activities.
service_area service_area Q19929305 A highway amenity with bathroom toilets, fuel station to fill up gas, and fast food restaurants
shelter shelter Q2800597 An amenity providing temporary protection from harm, typically bad weather in a park or natural area.
ship_chandler ship_chandler   A shop selling supplies and equipment for maintaining ships.
shipyard shipyard   An industrial landuse area for building ships.
shoemaker shoemaker Q6408486 A craftsperson specializing in the making and sale of custom footwear.
shoes shoes Q22676 A shop selling manufactured footwear.
shop shop Q736272 A shop selling services or products, when there is not another more specific category.
shower shower Q7863 An amenity for bathing under a spray of water, often at a beach or camp site.
sinkhole sinkhole Q188734 A natural depression or hole in the ground caused by some form of collapse.
ski ski Q172226 A shop selling supplies for winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, or snowshoeing.
ski_rental ski_rental Q1406663 A shop or other amenity that rents skis for the day or season, often associated with a ski resort.
ski_school ski_school Q2292514 An educational amenity offering ski instruction, typically at a ski resort.
slaughterhouse slaughterhouse   An industrial facility for killing animals and cutting them into pieces of meat.
slipway slipway Q361945 A leisure area on the shore where ships or boats can be moved to and from the water, sometimes called a boat ramp, boat landing, or boat launch.
snow_cannon snow_cannon Q720493 A man-made feature often found at a ski resort for blowing artificial snow onto a slope.
snowmobile snowmobile   A shop selling snowmobiles.
social_facility social_facility   An amenity where people gather for social services like a drug clinic, workshop for the physically disabled, or homeless shelter. With kind_detail property.
speech_therapist speech_therapist   A health care office for people with speach impairment or vocal issues.
sports sports   A shop selling clothing, balls, and other merchandise used for competitive physical activity.
sports_centre sports_centre Q30313989 A leisure area or fitness facility for active sports like football, baseball, and basketball, sometimes includes a gym, playground, or swimming pool.
spring spring Q19304 A natural feature where water flows from an aquifer to the ground’s surface.
stadium stadium Q483110 A leisure area or large building for outdoor sports, concerts, or other events, sometimes with a retractable roof.
station station   A railway station, also used for light rail and subway, where customers access the train. See planned bug fix in #532.
stationery stationery Q875696 A shop selling paper, pens, and other office and art supplies.
stone stone Q8063 A natural rock that is freestanding and of large size or other notable characteristic.
stonemason stonemason Q19794820 A craftsperson who creates buildings, structures, and sculpture using stone from the earth.
street_lamp street_lamp   A highway adjacent pole with one or more lights that illuminates the street.
stop_area stop_area   A grouping of bus or rail stops and platforms at a transit station.
studio studio Q746628 An amenity where professional artists creates audio, cinema, photography, radio, TV, video, or other works. When known, the type will be in kind_detail, one of: audio, cinema, photography, radio, television, video.
substation substation   A power substation that controls the flow of electricity in a power network with transformers, switchgear or compensators.
subway_entrance subway_entrance   A railway or subway entrance where people enter or exit a train station
summer_camp summer_camp Q876852 A leisure program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months, at a facility built solely for that purpose.
summer_toboggan summer_toboggan Q1477533 An attraction found in alpine areas with a long slide to chute down on a wheeled toboggan, built by ski resorts to attract summer visitors.
supermarket supermarket Q180846 A shop selling groceries in a large ‘big box’ building, including fruits, vegetables, packaged foods, and other household products.
swimming_area swimming_area Q47524436 A leisure area used to swim, typically outdoor and around a body of water.
tailor tailor Q242468 A craftsperson who makes, repairs, or alters clothing, typically men’s clothing.
tax_advisor tax_advisor Q688576 An office with financial experts specially trained in tax law.
taxi taxi Q82650 An amenity or stand offering vehicles for hire with a driver.
telecommunication telecommunication Q418 An office for staff of a company specialized in the electronic transmission of information between locations.
telephone telephone Q11035 A amenity for making phone calls, usually at a streetside stand or box.
telescope telescope Q4213 A man-made structure built to observe remote celestial objects, often at an observatory.
theatre theatre Q11635 An amenity focused on the collaborative form of performing and fine arts.
theme_park theme_park Q194195 A tourism amenity with rides and attractions.
therapist therapist Q179661 A medical office focused on remediation of health problems, usually following a diagnosis.
tobacco tobacco Q1566 A shop selling cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products containing nicotine.
toilets toilets Q7857 An amenity for public sanitation like a flush toilet or pit latrine. With kind_detail property.
toll_booth toll_booth Q7814355 A barrier for collecting tolls or fees to access roads, sometimes staffed.
townhall townhall Q7830117 An amenity used for the administration of local government that also hosts public meetings.
toys toys Q11422 A shop selling amusements for children and toddlers.
trade trade Q601401 A speciality shop selling construction materials, craft and industrial supplies, often open to the general public.
traffic_signals traffic_signals   A highway fixture at a road intersection or pedestrian crossing to control traffic flow. Sometimes called traffic lights, traffic lamps, signal lights and stop lights.
trail_riding_station trail_riding_station   A tourism amenity providing temporary accommodation for horses and their riders.
trailhead trailhead Q7832815 A pedestrian highway feature indicating where a trail begins, often with a signpost.
tram_stop tram_stop   A railway stop for trams where passengers board and alight, often without a platform.
travel_agency travel_agency Q217107 A shop that provides tourism-related services to the public to reserve flights, hotels, and book events.
travel_agent travel_agent Q217107 An office that provides tourism-related services to the public for booking flights, hotels, and events.
tree tree Q10884 A natural, perennial woody plant, usually with a single trunk or stem.
turning_circle turning_circle   A highway “cul-de-sac” at the end of a road that is wide enough for vehicles to turn around.
turning_loop turning_loop   A highway “cul-de-sac” at the end of a road that is wide enough for vehicles to turn around non-traversable island.
tyres tyres Q169545 A shop selling automotive tires for cars and trucks.
university university Q3918 An amenity for higher education and studies.
variety_store variety_store Q2301114 A shop selling a wide range of inexpensive household goods.
veterinary veterinary Q170201 An amenity offering animal welfare and medical services. With kind_detail property.
viewpoint viewpoint Q17000190 A tourism attraction with an elevated or unique perspective, often offering a nice view.
volcano volcano Q8072 A natural mountain with a vent or fissure that occasionally disperses lava, rock fragments, or toxic gases, with optional elevation (in meters).
walking_junction walking_junction   A place where two walking paths intersect along an international, national, regional, or local trail network. Common in Europe for signed walking routes with named junctions. The walking network reference point’s ref value is derived from one of iwn_ref, nwn_ref, rwn_ref or lwn_ref, in descending order and is suitable for naming or use in a shield.
waste_basket waste_basket Q216530 An amenity for depositing trash, usually in small bins along the street. Sometimes called a rubbish bin, litter bin, trash can, or garbage can.
waste_disposal waste_disposal Q180388 An amenity for collecting solid household or industrial trash, usually in medium and large waste bins behind buildings.
wastewater_plant wastewater_plant Q1058719 A man-made facility that collects sewage and other dirty water and cleans it for release back into the environment.
water_park water_park Q740326 A leisure amenity with water slides, pools, and other play areas.
water_point water_point   An amenity supplying larger amounts of drinking water for filling holding tanks of caravans, RVs and boats. Often found at camp sites, caravan sites, and marinas.
water_slide water_slide Q1163166 An attraction for sliding down an open or closed tub with running water, often at a water park.
water_tower water_tower Q274153 A man-man structure that supports an elevated water tank part of a local water pipe network.
water_well water_well Q43483 A man-made excavation or pump to access groundwater, often for drinking water and sometimes powered. With kind_detail property.
water_works water_works Q7974580 A man-made facility that cleans water for human consumption and distribution via local water pipe networks.
waterfall waterfall Q34038 A natural waterway feature that flows over an abrupt vertical drop, sometimes with a height (in meters).
watering_place watering_place Q7974154 An amenity where animals can drink water, either natural or man-made.
watermill watermill   A man-made structure harnessing water power to do mechanical work. Note that this is different from a modern structure to generate electric power from water, which would be a generator. Abandoned or disused features are not shown unless they are attractions, landmarks or other kinds.
waterway_fuel waterway_fuel   A waterway amenity selling fuel for boats.
wayside_cross wayside_cross   A historic structure shaped like a cross with religious significance.
wetland wetland   A natural area of shallow standing water with plants and frequented by fish and birds. With kind_detail property.
wharf wharf   A man-made area for mooring a boat built out from the shore into the water, sometimes named. If available, with mooring property.
wilderness_hut wilderness_hut Q17087359 A tourist shelter or hut for temporary accommodation, typically in a natural setting or outside built-up areas.
wildlife_park wildlife_park Q642682 A zoo with larger outdoor enclosures, often that allow animals to roam in a simulated natural environment that also allows visitors to drive-thru.
windmill windmill Q38720 A man-made machine that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy.
wine wine Q282 A shop selling alcoholic drinks typically made from grapes.
winery winery Q156362 A craft facility that turns grapes into wine, often with a public tasting room. See planned bug fix in #532.
winter_sports winter_sports Q204686 A landuse area for snow and ice sports like skiing, skating, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.
wood wood Q287 A landuse area covered by trees, usually smaller than a forest.
works works Q420817 A man-made industrial production plant or factory that produces manufactured goods.
zoo zoo Q43501 A tourist attraction with wild animals kept for study, conservation, educational and/or commercial exhibition.

Beach kind_detail values:

The value of the OpenStreetMap surface tag. Common values include grass, ` gravel, pebbles, pebblestone, rocky, and sand`.

Bunker kind_detail values:

Where known, the kind_detail will be one of: blockhouse, gun_emplacement, hardened_aircraft_shelter, mg_nest, missile_silo, munitions, pillbox, technical.

Cemetery and grave_yard kind_detail values:

The value of the OpenStreetMap religion tag is used for kind_detail on cemetery and grave_yard features. Common values include animist, bahai, buddhist, caodaism, catholic, christian, confucian, hindu, jain, jewish, multifaith, muslim, pagan, pastafarian, scientologist, shinto, sikh, spiritualist, taoist, tenrikyo, unitarian_universalist, voodoo, yazidi, and zoroastrian.

NOTE: A denomination attribute is also available with the value of the OpenStreetMap denomination tag. Common values include adventist, anglican, armenian_apostolic, assemblies_of_god, baptist, buddhist, bulgarian_orthodox, catholic, christian, church_of_scotland, episcopal, evangelical, greek_catholic, greek_orthodox, iglesia_ni_cristo, jehovahs_witness, lutheran, mennonite, methodist, mormon, new_apostolic, nondenominational, orthodox, pentecostal, presbyterian, protestant, quaker, reformed, roman_catholic, romanian_orthodox, russian_orthodox, salvation_army, serbian_orthodox, seventh_day_adventist, shia, shingon_shu, sunni, theravada, tibetan, united, united_methodist, united_reformed, uniting, and 曹洞宗.

Crane kind_detail values:

Common values include: container_crane, floor_mounted_crane, gantry_crane, portal_crane, travellift.

See planned fix in

Clinic, dentist, doctors, field_hospital, healthcare, hospital, nursing_home, pharmacy, social_facility, and veterinary kind_detail values:

Indicate heath care facility type, common values include: office, dispensary, clinic, laboratory, health_centre, hospital, health_center, CSCom, first_aid, pharmacy, chemist_dispensing, counselling_centre, medical_clinic.

Gate kind_detail values:

One of chain, gate, kissing_gate, lift_gate, stile, swing_gate.

Generator kind_detail values:

The value of the OpenStreetMap generator:source tag or, if that tag is missing, an interpolation from the generator:method tag. Common values include biofuel, biogas, biomass, coal, diesel, gas, geothermal, hydro, nuclear, oil, solar, waste, wind.

Mooring kind_detail values:

A place to tie up a boat. If available, with kind_detail one of commercial, cruise, customers, declaration, ferry, guest, pile, private, public, waiting, yacht or yachts.

Orchard kind_detail values:

Common values include: agave_plants, almond_trees, apple_trees, avocado_trees, banana_plants, cherry_trees, coconut_palms, coffea_plants, date_palms, hazel_plants, hop_plants, kiwi_plants, macadamia_trees, mango_trees, oil_palms, olive_trees, orange_trees, papaya_trees, peach_trees, persimmon_trees, pineapple_plants, pitaya_plants, plum_trees, rubber_trees, tea_plants, and walnut_trees.

Toilet kind_detail values:

Common values include pit_latrine, ` flush, chemical, pour_flush, bucket`.

water_well kind_detail values:

Common values include: drinkable_powered, drinkable_manual, drinkable_no_pump, drinkable, not_drinkable_powered, not_drinkable_manual, not_drinkable_no_pump, not_drinkable.

Wetland kind_detail values

The value of the OpenStreetMap wetland tag. If available, value will be one of: bog, fen, mangrove, marsh, mud, reedbed, saltern, saltmarsh, string_bog, swamp, tidalflat, wet_meadow.

Roads (Transportation)


More than just roads, this OpenStreetMap and Natural Earth based transportation layer includes highways, major roads, minor roads, paths, railways, ferries, and ski pistes matching the selection found in High Road. Sort them with sort_rank to correctly represent layered overpasses, bridges and tunnels. Natural Earth roads at zooms < 8 and OpenStreetMap at zooms 8+. See zoom ranges section below for more information per kind.

Road names are abbreviated so directionals like North is replaced with N, Northeast is replaced with NE, and common street suffixes like Avenue to Ave. and Street to St.. Full details in the StreetNames library.

Tilezen calculates the landuse_kind value by intercutting roads with the landuse layer to determine if a road segment is over a parks, hospitals, universities or other landuse features. Use this property to modify the visual appearance of roads over these features. For instance, light grey minor roads look great in general, but aren’t legible over most landuse colors unless they are darkened.

To improve performance, some road segments are merged at low and mid-zooms. To facilitate this, certain properties are dropped at those zooms. Examples include is_bridge and is_tunnel, name, network, oneway, and ref. The exact zoom varies per feature class (major roads keep this properties over a wider range, minor roads drop them starting at zoom 14). When roads are merged, the original OSM id values are dropped.

Road properties (common):

Road properties (common optional):

Road properties (optional):

Road transportation kind values (lines):

Road transportation kind_detail values and zoom ranges:

Roads from Natural Earth are used at low zooms below 8. Road kind_detail values are limited to motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary.

Roads from OpenStreetMap are shown starting at zoom 8 with motorway, trunk, primary. secondary are added starting at zoom 10, with motorway_link, tertiary, and paved grade1 track added at zoom 11. Zoom 12 sees addition of trunk_link, unclassified, residential, road, and grade1 and grade2 track. Zoom 13 adds primary_link, secondary_link, raceway, remaining track, pedestrian, living_street, cycleway and bridleway. Zoom 14 adds tertiary_link, all remaining path, footway, and steps, corridor, and alley service roads. By zoom 15 all remaining service roads are added, including driveway, parking_aisle, drive_through. Internationally and nationally significant paths (path, footway, steps) are added at zoom 9, regionally significant paths are added at zoom 11, locally significant at zoom 12, and named or designated paths at zoom 13. Internationally and nationally significant bicycle routes are added at zoom 8, regionally significant bike routes at zoom 10, and locally significant at zoom 11.

Ferries from both Natural Earth and OpenStreetMap are shown starting at zoom 5 with kind values of ferry.


Rail is added starting at zoom 11, with minor railroad spur added at zoom 12+ (based on “service” values), and further detail for yard and crossover and 13 and 14 respectively with all railroads shown by zoom 15. Features for rail tracks are included in this layer, whereas geometries and further information about rail lines or routes is available in the transit layer.

Railway kind_detail values in this layer include: disused, funicular, light_rail, miniature, monorail, narrow_gauge, preserved, rail, subway, tram.

Railway service values are:


Airport aeroways with kind_detail values of runway show up at zoom 9, with taxiway at zoom 11+.


Aerialways with kind_detail values of gondola, cable_car show up zoom 12+. chair_lift is added at zoom 13+, and by zoom 15 all are visible adding drag_lift, platter, t_bar, goods, magic_carpet, rope_tow, zip_line, j_bar, unknown, mixed_lift, and canopy.

Racetrack lines for various recreation tracks start showing up at zoom 14 with kind_detail values of sport_values of athletics, running, horse_racing, bmx, disc_golf, cycling, ski_jumping, motor, karting,obstacle_course, equestrian, alpine_slide, soap_box_derby,mud_truck_racing, skiing, drag_racing, archery.


Piste type with kind_detail values of nordic, downhill, sleigh, skitour, hike, sled, yes, snow_park, playground, ski_jump. Abandoned pistes are not included in tiles.


Piers and quays start showing up at zoom 13+ with kind_detail values of pier and quay, respectively. If mooring information is available, the mooring property will be one of no, yes, commercial, cruise, customers, declaration, ferry, guest, private, public, waiting, yacht or yachts.

Roads hgv values:

The hgv property indicates general truck heavy goods vehicle truck access, values include: no, designated, destination, delivery, local and agricultural.

Roads hgv_restriction values:

For hgv_restriction property indicates general truck heavy goods vehicle truck access restrictions, values (units vary) include: weight (metric tonnes), height (metres), length (metres), width (metres), wpa (weight per axle, in metric tonnes), kpra (king pin to rear axle length, in metric tonnes), hazmat (true if restricted, otherwise omitted), axles (number of axles), other and multiple if more than one.

Road Transportation hgv_time_restrictions Values

Property specifies date and time period during which the condition applies. Value is a string in the Time Domain format. Time Domain is part of the GDF(Geographic Data Files) specification which is an ISO standard. Current standard is GDF 5.1 which is ISO 20524-1:2020.

A basic Time Domain is the combination of a Starting Date and a Time Duration with the following notation: [(Starting Date) {Time duration}]. For example, [(M5d1){d1}] means: Starting Date: any year, month 5 (May), day 1st, at 0:00 a.m. Duration: 1 complete day (i.e., 24 hours or 1440 minutes).

Starting Dates and time intervals are defined by means of a set of graphical symbols allowing the description of years, months, weeks, days, and so on down to the smallest time unit, which is the second. The symbols have to be organized in a sequential order starting with the longest time unit. Attached to a starting date, the interval constitutes a basic Time Domain. Without a starting date, it just indicates a duration. If the very first time type code in duration section is preceded by a minus sign, it means that the duration is counted in the reverse order. The following list describes starting date and time interval unit types:

Starting Dates which are composed of several time units (e.g., 14 November 1991) are defined by placing the symbols sequentially in a hierarchical order.

Time periods (duration) which are composed of several time interval units are represented by listing the individual symbols sequentially in hierarchical order. The total time duration of a particular combination of symbols is the sum of all single time intervals. For example, {y2M1w2} means a period of 2 years, 1 month, and 2 weeks. Since Time Domains can be considered as a set of the smallest time unit described here, the second, Time Domains may also be combined with set operations, such as:

All the Time Domain strings are stored in prefix form: it uses the polish/prefix operator notation and omit brackets made redundant by this. For example: [[(d1){w1}]-[(d3){d1}]] has prefix form -(d1){w1}(d3){d1} [[(d1){w1}]*[(d3){-w1}]] has prefix form *(d1){w1}(d3){-w1}

Roads layer network values

Any road with shield_text will include a network property with a value like AA:bcdef where AA is a 2-character country code, followed by a : separator, and bcdef category value which either indicates the “region” (state or province) or “level” of the road network. There are exceptions to this for trans-national networks like e-road. In some cases, like the United States and Canada an additional modifier to appended to indicate Truck and other alternate routes, or further network disambiguation.

When a network value can’t be determined from the upstream data source we calculate where the road is located and provide the relevant 2-char country code as the network value. See table below for mapping of country codes to country names.

Tilezen normalizes upstream data sources to well known values. While it’s common for OpenStreetMap to include road network relations in the United States and Canada, most other countries lack this information and we synthesize Tilezen network values from OpenStreetMap from a combination of network, ref, and country spatial joins.

Network value include:

Country lookup table:

Alpha-2 code Country
AF Afghanistan
AX Åland Islands
AL Albania
DZ Algeria
AS American Samoa
AD Andorra
AO Angola
AI Anguilla
AQ Antarctica
AG Antigua and Barbuda
AR Argentina
AM Armenia
AW Aruba
AU Australia
AT Austria
AZ Azerbaijan
BS Bahamas
BH Bahrain
BD Bangladesh
BB Barbados
BY Belarus
BE Belgium
BZ Belize
BJ Benin
BM Bermuda
BT Bhutan
BO Bolivia
BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
BW Botswana
BV Bouvet Island
BR Brazil
IO British Indian Ocean Territory
BN Brunei Darussalam
BG Bulgaria
BF Burkina Faso
BI Burundi
CV Cabo Verde
KH Cambodia
CM Cameroon
CA Canada
KY Cayman Islands
CF Central African Republic
TD Chad
CL Chile
CN China
CX Christmas Island
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CO Colombia
KM Comoros
CG Congo
CD Democratic Republic of the Congo
CK Cook Islands
CR Costa Rica
CI Côte d’Ivoire
HR Croatia
CU Cuba
CW Curaçao
CY Cyprus
CZ Czechia
DK Denmark
DJ Djibouti
DM Dominica
DO Dominican Republic
EC Ecuador
EG Egypt
SV El Salvador
GQ Equatorial Guinea
ER Eritrea
EE Estonia
SZ Eswatini
ET Ethiopia
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FO Faroe Islands
FJ Fiji
FI Finland
FR France
GF French Guiana
PF French Polynesia
TF French Southern Territories
GA Gabon
GM Gambia
GE Georgia
DE Germany
GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GR Greece
GL Greenland
GD Grenada
GP Guadeloupe
GU Guam
GT Guatemala
GG Guernsey
GN Guinea
GW Guinea-Bissau
GY Guyana
HT Haiti
HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands
VA Holy See
HN Honduras
HK Hong Kong
HU Hungary
IS Iceland
IN India
ID Indonesia
IR Iran
IQ Iraq
IE Ireland
IM Isle of Man
IL Israel
IT Italy
JM Jamaica
JP Japan
JE Jersey
JO Jordan
KZ Kazakhstan
KE Kenya
KI Kiribati
KP North Korea
KR South Korea
KW Kuwait
KG Kyrgyzstan
LA Laos
LV Latvia
LB Lebanon
LS Lesotho
LR Liberia
LY Libya
LI Liechtenstein
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
MO Macao
MK Macedonia
MG Madagascar
MW Malawi
MY Malaysia
MV Maldives
ML Mali
MT Malta
MH Marshall Islands
MQ Martinique
MR Mauritania
MU Mauritius
YT Mayotte
MX Mexico
FM Micronesia
MD Moldova
MC Monaco
MN Mongolia
ME Montenegro
MS Montserrat
MA Morocco
MZ Mozambique
MM Myanmar
NA Namibia
NR Nauru
NP Nepal
NL Netherlands
NC New Caledonia
NZ New Zealand
NI Nicaragua
NE Niger
NG Nigeria
NU Niue
NF Norfolk Island
MP Northern Mariana Islands
NO Norway
OM Oman
PK Pakistan
PW Palau
PS Palestine
PA Panama
PG Papua New Guinea
PY Paraguay
PE Peru
PH Philippines
PN Pitcairn
PL Poland
PT Portugal
PR Puerto Rico
QA Qatar
RE Réunion
RO Romania
RU Russian Federation
RW Rwanda
BL Saint Barthélemy
SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
LC Saint Lucia
MF Saint Martin (French part)
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
WS Samoa
SM San Marino
ST Sao Tome and Principe
SA Saudi Arabia
SN Senegal
RS Serbia
SC Seychelles
SL Sierra Leone
SG Singapore
SX Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
SK Slovakia
SI Slovenia
SB Solomon Islands
SO Somalia
ZA South Africa
GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
SS South Sudan
ES Spain
LK Sri Lanka
SD Sudan
SR Suriname
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SE Sweden
CH Switzerland
SY Syria
TW Taiwan
TJ Tajikistan
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of
TH Thailand
TL Timor-Leste
TG Togo
TK Tokelau
TO Tonga
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TN Tunisia
TR Turkey
TM Turkmenistan
TC Turks and Caicos Islands
TV Tuvalu
UG Uganda
UA Ukraine
AE United Arab Emirates
GB United Kingdom
US United States of America
UM U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan
VU Vanuatu
VE Venezuela
VN Vietnam
VG Virgin Is. (British)
VI Virgin Is. (U.S.)
WF Wallis and Futuna
EH Western Sahara
YE Yemen
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe

Roads surface values simplification

At lower zooms,

The range of surface values is simplified to just 3: paved, compacted or unpaved. The detailed range of values is mapped down as follows:



Transit line features from OpenStreetMap start appearing at zoom 5+ for national trains, with regional trains addded at zoom 6+. Then subway,light_rail, and tram are added at zoom 10+. funicular and monorail features are added at zoom 12+. Platform polygons are added zoom 14+.

TIP: If you’re looking for transit station and station_entrance features, look in the pois layer instead.

Transit properties (common):

Transit properties (common optional):

Depending on upstream OpenStreetMap tagging, the following properties may be present:

A smaller set is also available for non-platform features:

Transit properties (optional):

Depending on OpenStreetMap tagging, the following properties may be present for non-platform features.

Transit kind values (line, polygon):

Transit colour_name values:

Transit lines may have their colours mapped onto one of these CSS colours. The intention is that designers can take this limited palette set and remap them onto a set which is more appropriate and in keeping with the other colours in the design. Inspired by py-cooperhewitt-swatchbook.

Traffic Flow


This optional layer is meant to be updated every few minutes, due to the highly dynamic nature of the data. Consideration should be given to rendering the features from this layer linked to the roads layer when linear referencing is available, or as an overlay

common properties:

Possible kind values for traffic flow:

common-optional properties:

optional properties:

If the roads layer features include linear_ref_id, then traffic flow layer features may include the following, in which case the traffic data should be delivered without geometry and run-time linked with the roads layer.

However, if the roads layer does not include linear_ref_id, then it should be delivered with geometry and the following properties to enable sizing and layering of the traffic overlay with respect to the roads network:

Traffic Incidents


This optional layer is meant to be updated every few minutes, due to the highly dynamic nature of the information contained within this layer. Consideration should be given to rendering the features from this layer either linked to the roads layer for linear geometries or as an overlay, and always as an overlay for point geometries

common properties:

Possible values for the incident kind are:

common-optional properties:

optional properties:

If the roads layer features include linear_ref_id, then traffic incidents layer features may include the following, in which case the traffic data should be delivered without geometry and run-time linked with the roads layer.

However, if the roads layer does not include linear_ref_id, then it should be delivered with geometry and the following properties to enable sizing and layering of the traffic overlay with respect to the roads network:



Water polygons representing oceans, riverbanks and lakes. Derived from a combination of the waterway, natural, and landuse OpenStreetMap tags. Includes coastline-derived water polygons from and inland water directly from OpenStreetMap at higher zoom levels 8+, and Natural Earth polygons at lower zoom levels (0-7). Water polygons are progressively added based on an area filter until all water is shown at zoom 16+. Covered water is not included.

Also includes water line geometries for river and stream centerlines and “label_position” points for labeling polygons de-duplicated across tile boundaries. OpenStreetMap sourced waterway lines with kinds of river, and canal with the tag boat = yes (aka navigable canals) are included starting at zoom 9, stream and other canal features are included starting at zoom 11, and ditch, drain (zoom 16+).

Tilezen calculates the composite exterior edge for overlapping water polygons and marks the resulting line boundary=true. Set to true when present on line geometry, or from Natural Earth line source.

Water properties (common):

Water properties (common optional):

Water kind values:

Water kind_detail values:

When water polygons are sourced from OpenStreetMap, we add kind_detail values in an allowlist.

Additionally, a reservoir: true or alkaline: true value can be present on the appropriate kind=lake features. Intermittent water features that sometimes run dry or disappear seasonally are marked intermittent: true (including implied infiltration and detention features).

The kinds bay, strait and fjord are ranked by size and given a kind_tile_rank property that starts from 1 and counts up as the feature gets smaller. Note that the ranking is done on a “metatile”, which means that each tile (of size 256px, 512px or other) won’t necessarily contain the full range from 1 to N of kind_tile_ranks.
